Monday, June 30, 2008
Gas Prices - What's Your Protest?
FIRST ON CCN - Town Council Elections Could Be Thrown Out!
There are so many complaints and candidates contesting the results, Town Council Chair George Lewis says the Ethics Committee will be investigating and that the entire Council will vote whether to throw out the results and start all over at the next Town Council meeting.
We caught up with candidate Regina Grimes who is challenging the results in tract 4602. The presumptive winner Okorie Ezieme responds to the allegations, saying he won fair and square. We hear first from Grimes, then Ezieme in their own words on CCN – Crown City News this week. Log onto to find the air times.
Town Council Chair George Lewis says 3 other people plan to contest the election including Walter Olszewski for census tract 4603.01, which Alice Wessen initially looks to have won. But Lewis says he hasn't received their official letter with the written challenges yet. Lewis says Joe Brown and the rest of the Ethics Committee will investigate all the complaints, and that the Council will decide whether to keep the election results or throw them out at the Tuesday July 15th meeting.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Law Enforcement Funding Press Release

June 26, 2008
Schiff Secures Funding for Local Law Enforcement to Help Improve Safety and Investigation Efforts
Washington , DC – Today, Representative Adam Schiff announced that the House Appropriations Committee approved funding for several local law enforcement initiatives to establish a local forensic DNA laboratory and institute, to purchase protective equipment for SWAT team members and to upgrade investigation equipment. The funds for Glendale , the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Station in Temple City , Monterey Park , and California State University , Los Angeles were requested by Rep. Schiff and included in the Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) Appropriations bill. The bill will now be sent to the House Floor for a vote.
“DNA evidence is one of the most powerful tools we have to track down murderers and rapists. The funding in this bill will help speed DNA analysis by establishing a new lab in Glendale and expanding the institute at Cal State LA. It will also provide life-saving equipment to law enforcement."
The bill included $1 million for the City of Glendale for a Forensic DNA Laboratory. The City of Glendale has a backlog of almost 1,000 cases with preserved DNA evidence. This funding would establish a DNA laboratory within the Glendale police facility which would provide a timely return of DNA analysis, crime evidence, and cold case evidence. While the DNA lab would be located in Glendale , it would also service the neighboring cities of Burbank and Pasadena and would be capable of accepting evidence from many of other regional communities as well.
The bill appropriated $1 million for Cal State , Los Angeles for its California Forensic Science Institute (CFSI). This funding will enable CFSI to become a training and technical support center for local public crime laboratories in California . The funds will provide start-up resources for CFSI, and will be used for forensic science curriculum materials and staff training programs.
The bill provides $50,000 to the Monterey Park Fire Department for protective equipment. This equipment will enable Monterey Park fire personnel to work with law enforcement agencies to set up staging areas in the event of an emergency. In addition, the Fire Department provides tactical medics to be a part of the Monterey Park Police Department’s Special Weapons and Tactics and Special Response Team (SWAT/SRT). These firefighters enter dangerous areas under conditions that could inflict life-threatening damage, and the funding will also be used to purchase body-armor for this work.
Lastly, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Temple City Station will receive $35,000 for a Mobile Law Enforcement Automobile Investigative System. Temple City Station serves a population of 200,000 and will use this funding to purchase a system to improve investigation capabilities. The unit will be installed on a sheriff's car and will help recognize and identify suspicious vehicles and will be used for investigative purposes.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
High Quality Non-Profit Public Service Announcements - For Cheap!
We'll charge basically less than what your agency has in it's petty cash fund for this month: $150. Just send us your still pictures (if you don't have any, we'll come take them for you), and we'll create the PSA for you (with your input). Then we'll run it for free on CCN until we run out of space. If you want to change it to add an upcoming event, no problem. It'll only cost $25 for the change, and you have a very inexpensive way to publicize your upcoming events.
Here's an example of what we can do with still pictures.
If you'd like video, it'll cost a litle bit more, but here's the link to an example of a public service announcement we created for Convalescent Aid Society ( We run this PSA every week on CCN!
Click on the link or the picture below for the PSA.

You really can't beat this deal!
E-mail to take advantage of this awesome way to promote your non-profit.
Altadena Town Council Elections
Town Council Election
Saturday June 21, 2008 Election Results
Winners are listed in boldface - Census Tracts and Candidates -
Eugene Sund (incumbent) 75
Mabel Duncan (incumbent) 31
Okorie Ezieme 118
Regina Grimes 52
Walter Olszewski (incumbent) 49
Alice Wessen 65
Dr. Sandra Thomas (incumbent) 24
Bobby Thompson (incumbent) 46
Tecumseh Shackleford 108
Rev. C. R. Tillman 4
Allan Wasserman (incumbent) 29
George Lewis (incumbent) 27
Ruth Neilan Edwards 96
Susan Goldman (incumbent) 11
The Earthquake Game
Monday, June 23, 2008
Gay Marriage
Emily Bannon: I think that they can't discriminate based on sexual orientation, it's a basic human right.

Matthew Osbourn: I think it's fine, that they should have as much right to marry as I do or anybody else. Go for it.
About the heat:
Mel from Pasadena who was walking along with his lady said he didn't mind it so much because of how his girlfriend looks:
Can't do this in cold wether, dressed in shorts, cute top, so no I don't mind the heat at all.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Info-Tainment Videos
Check out what we did for Robin's Woodfire BBQ and Grill in Pasadena. Through our partnership with Inside Pasadena ( you can maximize the marketing of your video.
We can come and do that for your business during the day or at night, whatever's best for your schedule or your business.
Call us about rates at 626-798-3288 or 626-676-9403 or e-mail
To have us make your business' info-tainment video call us at 626-798-3288 or 626-676-9403 or e-mail
TV Commercials
If you like what you see, call us about rates: 626-798-3288 or 626-676-9403, or e-mail
Strings Music - made with still pictures - lowest rate
Call us to make your commercial: 626-798-3288 or 626-676-9403, or e-mail
Budget Bookkeeping and Income Tax Services - Basic Video/Voiceover
Call us to make your commercial: 626-798-3288 or 626-676-9403, or e-mail
Fairbanks Group - custom graphics, multiple locations
Call us to make your commercial: 626-798-3288 or 626-676-9403, or e-mail
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Convalescent Aid Society
For More Information, Contact:Randy Votsch, Executive Director
(626) 793-1696
website: <>Photo available online:
CAS Awards Nursing Scholarship to PCC Student
Shalley Gupta, an international student from India studying at Pasadena Community College, is the most recent recipient of a Convalescent Aid Society (CAS) Nursing Scholarship.
Founded by a group of nurses more than 85 years ago, CAS loans medical equipment free of charge to residents throughout the San Gabriel Valley, as well as residents of Glendale and Burbank. The Pasadena-based charitable organization currently serves more than 7,500 clients, providing them with medical equipment ranging from wheelchairs to hospital beds.
The Nursing Scholarship program began in 2001, in honor of the nurses who founded the Convalescent Aid Society. Nursing students from Azusa Pacific University as well as Pasadena Community College have been the recipients.
The $1,000 scholarship CAS awarded to Shalley Gupta this year is providing some much-needed help. Gupta, an international student at Pasadena Community College, is in her first semester of the nursing program there.
“I have already put the CAS scholarship to good use buying books. Nursing books are very expensive,” she said, pointing to the large volume on the Starbucks table. “This one cost $150 used!”
A warm and friendly person, Gupta seems designed for the caring work of nursing. That is evident in how enthusiastic she is about her studies in the PCC nursing program.
“You learn so much that the semester goes by really fast. You meet so many people and you get to take care of people right away,” she said.
Soon after the first semester begins, nursing students are taking part in clinical practice. Gupta has already tended to patients in a local nursing home and at Methodist Hospital.
“You learn something and then you practice it. It is quite different from education in my country, India. There the focus is on grades. Here the focus is on knowledge.”
“The combination of classes and clinical work throughout the nursing program is helpful because you can put into practice what you have learned and you also see what you are lacking,” she said.
Two diabetic parents and many relatives in the medical field led Gupta into nursing. Speaking of her parents, she says, “You want to help take care of them, you want to learn more about the disease.” But in the meantime, her parents are helping her. They staying with her in El Monte and caring for her four-and-a-half-year-old son, Eashan, while she studies at PCC.
“They are very supportive of education,” she says of her parents. “They tell me, ‘you study, we’ll take care of everything else.’”
The professors at PCC are very helpful as well, Gupta says gratefully. She admits that in the beginning, taking care of patients can be a little intimidating. “But,” she adds, “the professors have been so supportive and the patients have been very responsive.
With the encouragement of her parents, the support of good professors, and financial help from CAS, Gupta is making good progress in pursuit of her nursing education, which she hopes will continue through a master’s degree.**
Power Outage in Pasadena
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Grand Jury Investigation Request for Altadena's Lincoln Crossing
Dorn Platz has already faced a number of legal battles over the development. Complaints have come from contractors who did not receive payment for work done, Altadena residents who say the development does not look the way Dorn Platz originally said it would look, and from tenants who say the developer has not lived up to his end of the deal.
Helga Kuhn of Bessie's Daughters Soulful Tacos tells CCN that she was recently evicted and will sue the developer. She says the developer would not take care of a foul sewage odor coming from her vents, and that it kept customers from coming back. Bobbie Thompson of BJR Postal Center says flooding damaged his store, and that the developer asked for rental fees before he was even able to move into the building.
Look for more on this story Monday evening at 6pm on CCN - Crown City News. To watch the newscast online, just log onto, and click on the blue logo at the top right side of the screen. To find out when it'll be on TV, click on Airtimes on the website. For more questions and information about this story, contact Tami DeVine at 626-676-9403.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Gay Marriage
Have strong opinions about current events or issues taking place in our San Gabriel Valley Communities? Then let your voice be heard! We'll post hot topics every once in a while here on the CCN Blog, and you can let us know what you think!
Since Gay Marriage is in the national spotlight after the recent CA State Supreme court ruling, what do you think? Should Gay Marriage be Legalized or Banned? Why or why not?
Friday, June 13, 2008
How Can We Help Foundation

Craig Penne leads a group of volunteers who have only one question for local schools and non-profits: How can we help? That's also the name of his Non-profit. In 2007 the group beautified and installed bulletin boards at two Pasadena Elementary schools, and in 2008 they've teamed up with John Muir High School to provide a basketball camp that teaches skillz on the court, and in life. Yes, I spelled skillz like that on purpose!
The camp's in July, they're still accepting applications, but someone has to refer or nominate a kid in order for them to be able to apply. To find out more, log onto Here's the rest of their contact info:
How Can We Help Foundation
511 S. First Avenue, #171
Arcadia, CA 91006
From Felony to Freedom
Karen Chaves, now Associate Director at the Walter Hoving Home ( went from abusing drugs, to convicted felon, to second in command at the Walter Hoving Home in Pasadena. Her story will move you to tears. Catch it on Monday's special On-Camera edition of CCN - Crown City News.

The Walter Hoving Home helps women with addiction to drugs, involved in prostitution or a battling a number of other problems. Here's information on their three locations:
New York Branch
P.O. Box 194 40 Walter Hoving Road
Garrison, NY 10524
Telephone: (845) 424-3674
Fax: (845) 424-4179
California Branch
127 South El Molino Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91101
Telephone: (626) 405-0950
Fax: (626) 564-0952 Website:
Las Vegas Branch
925 South Third Street
Las Vegas, NV 89101-6801
Telephone: (702) 386-1965
Fax: (702) 386-1966
The CCN program featuring the Walter Hoving Home airs live on the CCN Website Monday at 6pm, Wednesday at 2:30am and 2:30pm and the following Monday, June 23rd at 6am. Just log onto and click on the blue logo at the top right hand side of the screen. To watch this on TV in the San Gabriel Valley, Mondays and Wednesdays at the same times above, it's on PCAC Channel 56 in Pasadena and Altadena.
Additionally, Wednesday at 6:30 pm it's on in 16 San Gabriel Valley Cities! Here's the list:
Alhambra, Altadena, Arcadia, Azusa, Duarte, Irwindale, La Canada, La Puente, Monrovia (County), Monterey Park, Pasadena, San Gabriel, Temple City, Valinda, Walnut, West Covina
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Media Guru shares Marketing Secrets
East Pasadena
La Canada
La Puente
Monterey Park
San Gabriel
Temple City
West Covina
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
CCN on Monday 6/16/08
1) George McQuade of Mayo Communications - "Creating a buzz for your business"
2) Karen Chaves of Walter Hoving Home - hear her tear-jerking story
3) Ethel Gardner of Million Mothers March 2008 - She lost her son and now rallies other mothers to help ease the pain
4) Craig Penne and Coach Jones - How Can We Help Foundation and John Muir High School Boys Basketball collaborate to help kids at-risk.
This is a great lineup. You'll learn a lot! I'll have in-depth posts on each guest.
Welcome to the CCN Blog!

We're glad to have you here! Check back often since we'll be updating this often. Please let us know your thoughts and feelings about news stories you see on CCN, or leave your own story ideas for us here! If you need to talk to us, call us at 626-798-3288 or 626-676-9403.